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с португальского на английский

and the rest

  • 1 and the rest

    and the rest
    ? e quem mais?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > and the rest

  • 2 and all the rest of it

    and all the rest of it
    e tudo o mais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > and all the rest of it

  • 3 rest

    I 1. [rest] noun
    1) (a (usually short) period of not working etc after, or between periods of, effort; (a period of) freedom from worries etc: Digging the garden is hard work - let's stop for a rest; Let's have/take a rest; I need a rest from all these problems - I'm going to take a week's holiday.) descanso
    2) (sleep: He needs a good night's rest.) descanso
    3) (something which holds or supports: a book-rest; a headrest on a car seat.) apoio
    4) (a state of not moving: The machine is at rest.) desligado
    2. verb
    1) (to (allow to) stop working etc in order to get new strength or energy: We've been walking for four hours - let's stop and rest; Stop reading for a minute and rest your eyes; Let's rest our legs.) descansar
    2) (to sleep; to lie or sit quietly in order to get new strength or energy, or because one is tired: Mother is resting at the moment.) descansar
    3) (to (make or allow to) lean, lie, sit, remain etc on or against something: Her head rested on his shoulder; He rested his hand on her arm; Her gaze rested on the jewels.) descansar
    4) (to relax, be calm etc: I will never rest until I know the murderer has been caught.) descansar
    5) (to (allow to) depend on: Our hopes now rest on him, since all else has failed.) depender de
    6) ((with with) (of a duty etc) to belong to: The choice rests with you.) pertencer
    - restfully
    - restfulness
    - restless
    - restlessly
    - restlessness
    - rest-room
    - at rest
    - come to rest
    - lay to rest
    - let the matter rest
    - rest assured
    - set someone's mind at rest
    II [rest]
    * * *
    [rest] n 1 descanso, repouso, folga, trégua, tranqüilidade, paz, sossego. 2 sono. 3 lugar de repouso, sanatório. 4 abrigo, albergue, pousada, parada. 5 suporte, apoio, pedestal. 6 Mus pausa. 7 Poet morte, túmulo. 8 inércia. the matter rests with you / o caso depende de você. 9 Poet cesura. • vt+vi 1 descansar ( from de), repousar, fazer uma pausa, estar parado, não se mover, ficar quieto. I shall not rest until this matter is settled / não descansarei até este assunto ser resolvido. 2 estar calmo, sossegado ou despreocupado. you can rest assured that we will do all we can / você pode ter a certeza de que faremos tudo que pudermos. 3 dormir. 4 estar morto, jazer. 5 não ser aproveitado, cultivado (terras). 6 ser espalhado. 7 ser apoiado ou apoiar-se (on, against sobre, em), basear-se ( upon sobre), motivar-se (in em). 8 depender (on de), confiar (in em). 9 parar, cessar de mover-se. 10 deixar pendente. 11 dirigir, fixar (os olhos). our eyes rest on the book / nossos olhos estão fixos no livro. 12 Jur interromper voluntariamente a apresentação de provas. a day of rest dia de descanso. the fault rests with you a culpa é sua. to be at rest a) estar dormindo. b) estar parado. c) estar despreocupado, livre de aborrecimentos. d) Euphem estar morto. to give a rest deixar em paz, não amolar. to lay at rest sepultar, enterrar. to lay/ put ( an idea) to rest provar que é falso. to let something rest deixar de lado. to let the matter rest dar o assunto por liquidado. to put/set someone’s mind at rest tranqüilizar, apaziguar. to rest on/ upon a) apoiar-se. b) basear-se. to rest up coll descansar. to set at rest acalmar, aquietar. to take a rest descansar. without rest sem descanso, sem folga.
    [rest] n 1 resto, restante, sobra, resíduo. 2 saldo, reserva. 3 Ten série longa de trocas de bola. • vt+vi 1 restar, sobrar, sobejar. 2 ficar, permanecer. among the rest entre as outras coisas. and all the rest of it e tudo o mais. and the rest? e quem mais? for the rest demais, além disso. the rest os outros, os demais. you may rest assured that você pode ficar certo de que.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rest

  • 4 English

    ['iŋɡliʃ] 1. adjective
    (of England or its inhabitants: three English people; the English language.) inglês
    2. noun
    (the main language of England and the rest of Britain, North America, a great part of the British Commonwealth and some other countries: He speaks English.) inglês
    * * *
    ['iŋgli8] n inglês: a) a língua, o idioma inglês. standard English / inglês padrão (idioma). basic English / inglês básico. in English / em inglês. in plain English / em palavras simples. b) natural da Inglaterra. are you English? / você é inglês? the English / o povo inglês. • adj inglês. an English teacher / um professor de inglês.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > English

  • 5 et cetera

    [it'setrə, ]( American[) et-]
    (usually abbreviated to etc or &c when written)
    (a Latin phrase meaning `and the rest', `and so on': The refugees need food, clothes, blankets etc.) etc/etcétera
    * * *
    et cet.e.ra
    [ets'et2r2] = link=etcetera etcetera.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > et cetera

  • 6 hold prisoner

    (to (capture and) confine (a person) against his will: Many soldiers were killed and the rest taken prisoner; She was kept prisoner in a locked room.) prender

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hold prisoner

  • 7 lead

    I 1. [li:d] past tense, past participle - led; verb
    1) (to guide or direct or cause to go in a certain direction: Follow my car and I'll lead you to the motorway; She took the child by the hand and led him across the road; He was leading the horse into the stable; The sound of hammering led us to the garage; You led us to believe that we would be paid!) levar
    2) (to go or carry to a particular place or along a particular course: A small path leads through the woods.) conduzir
    3) ((with to) to cause or bring about a certain situation or state of affairs: The heavy rain led to serious floods.) dar origem
    4) (to be first (in): An official car led the procession; He is still leading in the competition.) ir à frente
    5) (to live (a certain kind of life): She leads a pleasant existence on a Greek island.) levar
    2. noun
    1) (the front place or position: He has taken over the lead in the race.) liderança
    2) (the state of being first: We have a lead over the rest of the world in this kind of research.) liderança
    3) (the act of leading: We all followed his lead.) chefia
    4) (the amount by which one is ahead of others: He has a lead of twenty metres (over the man in second place).) vantagem
    5) (a leather strap or chain for leading a dog etc: All dogs must be kept on a lead.) trela
    6) (a piece of information which will help to solve a mystery etc: The police have several leads concerning the identity of the thief.) pista
    7) (a leading part in a play etc: Who plays the lead in that film?) papel principal
    - leadership
    - lead on
    - lead up the garden path
    - lead up to
    - lead the way
    II [led] noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) an element, a soft, heavy, bluish-grey metal: lead pipes; Are these pipes made of lead or copper?) chumbo
    2) (the part of a pencil that leaves a mark: The lead of my pencil has broken.) bico
    * * *
    [led] n 1 chumbo. 2 grafita. 3 sonda, prumo. 4 chapa para cobrir telhados. 5 bala de arma de fogo. • vt 1 cobrir, moldar, prender, etc. com chumbo. 2 Typogr prover com entrelinhas. • adj de chumbo. black lead grafita. red lead zarcão. to swing the lead coll dizer-se doente para escapar ao serviço. white lead alvaiade.
    [li:d] n 1 conduta, guia. 2 precedência. 3 direção, comando, liderança, primeiro lugar. 4 vanguarda. 5 exemplo, precedente. 6 orientação, indicação, pista, indício. 7 mão (nos jogos de cartas). 8 passagem através do gelo. 9 curso de água artificial. 10 correia para amarrar cachorro. 11 cabo condutor. 12 Theat papel principal. 13 Theat ator principal. 14 Box golpe. 15 trecho introdutório de um artigo de jornal. • vt+vi (ps and pp led) 1 ser o primeiro a encabeçar. 2 conduzir, guiar. 3 dirigir, comandar. 4 preceder. 5 persuadir, induzir, liderar, orientar. 6 jogar de mão (cartas). 7 reger (orquestra). 8 levar, passar (a vida). a lead of uma dianteira (em corrida). to have the lead ser o líder. to lead a healthy life levar uma vida saudável. to lead astray desviar, desencaminhar. to lead away conduzir, levar. to lead captive aprisionar, prender. to lead off dar início, começar. to lead on arrastar, seduzir, influenciar. to lead the way preceder, mostrar o caminho. to lead up to a) conduzir a conversação para determinado assunto. b) conduzir em direção a. c) aplanar o caminho. to take the lead a) assumir o comando. b) tomar a iniciativa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lead

  • 8 freeze

    [fri:z] 1. past tense - froze; verb
    1) (to make into or become ice: It's so cold that the river has frozen over.) congelar
    2) ((of weather) to be at or below freezing-point: If it freezes again tonight all my plants will die.) gelar
    3) (to make or be very cold: If you had stayed out all night in the snow you might have frozen to death (= died of exposure to cold).) gelar
    4) (to make (food) very cold in order to preserve it: You can freeze the rest of that food and eat it later.) congelar
    5) (to make or become stiff, still or unable to move (with fear etc): She froze when she heard the strange noise.) gelar
    6) (to fix prices, wages etc at a certain level: If the situation does not improve, wages will be frozen again.) congelar
    2. noun
    (a period of very cold weather when temperatures are below freezing-point: How long do you think the freeze will last?) gelo
    - freezing
    - frozen
    - freezing-point
    - freeze up
    * * *
    [fri:z] n 1 congelação. 2 geada, baixa temperatura, frio intenso. • vt+vi (ps froze, pp frozen) 1 gelar: refrigerar, resfriar, congelar(-se), regelar
    (-se), enregelar-se, tornar(-se) gelo. 2 solidificar pela ação do frio. 3 frigorificar. 4 tornar(-se), fazer ou sentir muito frio. 5 matar, destruir, danificar, queimar, crestar por efeito do frio. 6 estar gelado, estar morto de frio, estar queimado por efeito da geada, morrer de frio. 7 cobrir(-se) de gelo. 8 aderir, grudar-se a alguma coisa por efeito do frio. 9 fig esfriar, mostrar-se reservado, indiferente. 10 espantar(-se), assombrar(-se), paralisar de assombro ou susto, imobilizar-se. 11 congelar-se (a voz), embargar-se, tolher, paralisar, emudecer. 12 Com congelar. 13 congelar, fixar a imagem. it freezes está geando. to freeze in ficar preso no gelo. to freeze one’s blood gelar o sangue. to freeze out sl eliminar, boicotar. to freeze over cobrir de gelo. to freeze the wages and the prices congelar os salários e os preços. to freeze to death morrer de frio. to freeze up ficar paralisado de medo ou nervosismo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > freeze

  • 9 lag

    [læɡ] 1. past tense, past participle - lagged; verb
    ((often with behind) to move too slowly and become left behind: We waited for the smaller children, who were lagging behind the rest.) atrasar-se
    2. noun
    (an act of lagging or the amount by which one thing is later than another: There is sometimes a time-lag of several seconds between our seeing the lightning and our hearing the thunder.) atraso
    * * *
    [læg] n 1 retardo, atraso, demora. 2 retardatário. 3 defasagem. 4 Brit sl prisioneiro. 5 revestimento ou forro de caldeira ou cilindros. • vt+vi 1 ficar atrás, retardar-se, ir devagar, demorar-se, atrasar-se. 2 prender, encarcerar. 3 revestir ou forrar caldeiras. • adj último, tardio, retardado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lag

  • 10 parenthesis

    plural - parentheses; noun
    1) (a word or group of words within a sentence, which gives a comment etc and usually separates from the rest of the sentence by brackets, dashes etc: I asked John (my friend John Smith) to come and see me.) parêntese
    2) (a round bracket used to mark the seperate part of such a sentence.) parêntese
    - in parentheses
    * * *
    [pər'enθisis] n 1 parêntese. 2 fig intervalo, interlúdio. by way of parenthesis incidentalmente. in parenthesis entre parênteses.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > parenthesis

  • 11 wall

    [wo:l] 1. noun
    1) (something built of stone, brick, plaster, wood etc and used to separate off or enclose something: There's a wall at the bottom of the garden: The Great Wall of China; a garden wall.) muro
    2) (any of the sides of a building or room: One wall of the room is yellow - the rest are white.) parede
    2. verb
    ((often with in) to enclose (something) with a wall: We've walled in the playground to prevent the children getting out.) murar
    - - walled
    - wallpaper
    3. verb
    (to put such paper on: I have wallpapered the front room.) pôr papel de parede
    - have one's back to the wall
    - up the wall
    * * *
    [wɔ:l] n 1 parede, muro, paredão. 2 fort muralha (também walls). 3 fig barreira, muro. I am up against a brick wall / fig tenho uma montanha (de dificuldades) na minha frente. • vt 1 prover, cercar, dividir ou proteger com parede ou muro, murar, emparedar. 2 fort fortificar. blind dead wall parede sem janelas ou portas. to drive up the wall fazer subir as paredes, deixar muito irritado. to have one’s back to the wall estar encurralado, estar em um beco sem saída. to knock/ bang one’s head against a brick wall tentar o impossível, dar murro em ponta de faca. to wall up fechar com parede. walls have ears as paredes têm ouvidos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wall

  • 12 defeatism

    noun (a state of mind in which one expects and accepts defeat too easily: The defeatism of the captain affects the rest of the players.) derrotismo
    * * *
    [dif'i:tizəm] n derrotismo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > defeatism

  • 13 relax

    1) (to make or become less tight or tense or less worried etc; to rest completely: The doctor gave him a drug to make him relax; Relax your shoulders; He relaxed his grip for a second and the rope was dragged out of his hand.) descontrair(-se)
    2) (to make or become less strict or severe: The rules were relaxed because of the Queen's visit.) abrandar
    * * *
    [ril'æks] vt+vi 1 relaxar, afrouxar. 2 diminuir a tensão, moderar, mitigar, abrandar. 3 pôr-se à vontade, descansar, repousar. 4 enlanguescer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > relax

  • 14 example

    1) (something that represents other things of the same kind; a specimen: an example of his handwriting.) exemplo
    2) (something that shows clearly or illustrates a fact etc: Can you give me an example of how this word is used?) exemplo
    3) (a person or thing that is a pattern to be copied: She was an example to the rest of the class.) exemplo
    4) (a warning to be heeded: Let this be an example to you, and never do it again!) exemplo
    - make an example of
    - set someone an example
    - set an example
    * * *
    [igz'a:mp2l; igz'æmp2l] n 1 exemplo. for example / por exemplo. by way of example / para citar um exemplo. 2 molde, modelo. 3 exemplar. beyond example / nunca visto, sem precedente. a bad example / um mau exemplo. to set a good example / dar bom exemplo. to take example by one / tomar exemplo de alguém. let this be an example to you / que isto lhe sirva de lição. to make an example / castigar para servir de exemplo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > example

  • 15 infect

    (to fill with germs that cause disease; to give a disease to: You must wash that cut on your knee in case it becomes infected; She had a bad cold last week and has infected the rest of the class.) infectar
    - infectious
    - infectiously
    * * *
    [inf'ekt] vt 1 infetar, infeccionar. 2 influenciar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > infect

  • 16 settle

    1) (to place in a position of rest or comfort: I settled myself in the armchair.) pôr(-se) à vontade
    2) (to come to rest: Dust had settled on the books.) depositar-se
    3) (to soothe: I gave him a pill to settle his nerves.) acalmar
    4) (to go and live: Many Scots settled in New Zealand.) fixar-se
    5) (to reach a decision or agreement: Have you settled with the builders when they are to start work?; The dispute between management and employees is still not settled.) resolver
    6) (to pay (a bill).) liquidar
    - settler
    - settle down
    - settle in
    - settle on
    - settle up
    * * *
    [s'etəl] n banco de madeira com espaldar alto e baú sob o assento. • vt+vi 1 assentar, estabelecer. 2 determinar, decidir, fixar. 3 pôr em ordem, arranjar, arrumar. 4 pagar, liquidar. 5 estabelecer-se, vir morar, fixar residência. 6 casar-se. 7 colonizar, estabelecer colônias. 8 pousar, instalar-se. 9 acomodar-se. 10 apaziguar, acalmar, acalmar-se, sossegar, diminuir. 11 descer, cair, depositar-se, assentar. 12 ficar límpido. 13 afundar, baixar. 14 solidificar, endurecer. 15 firmar (tempo). 16 chegar a um acordo, concordar. to settle down instalar-se, estabelecer-se, depositar, sossegar. he settled down to writing / ele pôs-se a escrever. to settle for tomar uma certa direção. it is settling for sunshine / o tempo se torna ensolarado. to settle in mudar, estabelecer-se. they settled in / eles mudaram, ocuparam a casa. to settle up encerrar, combinar, resolver. I settled (up) on living in town / decidi morar na cidade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > settle

  • 17 sit

    present participle - sitting; verb
    1) (to (cause to) rest on the buttocks; to (cause to) be seated: He likes sitting on the floor; They sat me in the chair and started asking questions.) sentar
    2) (to lie or rest; to have a certain position: The parcel is sitting on the table.) encontrar-se
    3) ((with on) to be an official member of (a board, committee etc): He sat on several committees.) pertencer
    4) ((of birds) to perch: An owl was sitting in the tree by the window.) empoleirar-se
    5) (to undergo (an examination).) fazer
    6) (to take up a position, or act as a model, in order to have one's picture painted or one's photograph taken: She is sitting for a portrait/photograph.) posar
    7) ((of a committee, parliament etc) to be in session: Parliament sits from now until Christmas.) reunir
    - sitting
    - sit-in
    - sitting-room
    - sitting target
    - sitting duck
    - sit back
    - sit down
    - sit out
    - sit tight
    - sit up
    * * *
    [sit] vt+vi (ps+ pp sat) 1 sentar, sentar-se. 2 fazer sentar, acomodar. 3 sentar sobre, estar sentado, estar montado. 4 estar colocado, estar em posição fixa. 5 ocupar cargo, ter assento ou cadeira (em assembléia), ser membro de. 6 reunir-se em sessão. 7 posar. 8 descansar, pousar, repousar. 9 chocar. 10 servir, adaptar-se, assentar (roupa). 11 sl cuidar. to sit about/ to sit around Brit não fazer nada de util, Braz ficar à toa. to sit back a) reclinar-se. b) coll não se envolver. to sit by permitir que algo ilegal ou errado aconteça. to sit down a) sentar-se. she sat down at our table / ela sentou-se conosco, à nossa mesa. b) sentar-se para fazer alguma coisa. the ecologists sat down to discuss the pollution of the rivers / os ecologistas se reuniram para discutir a poluição dos rios. c) Aeron aterrissar. to sit in on assistir para observar, mas sem participar. the director sat in on the trainee’s class / o diretor observou a aula do estagiário. to sit on demorar, atrasar. to sit out esperar pacientemente pelo final. to sit through esperar pelo final embora não esteja gostando. to sit up a) sentar-se eretamente. b) ficar acordado durante a noite.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sit

  • 18 then

    [ðen] 1. adverb
    1) (at that time in the past or future: I was at school then; If you're coming next week, I'll see you then.) então
    2) (used with prepositions to mean that time in the past or future: John should be here by then; I'll need you before then; I have been ill since then; Until then; Goodbye till then!) então
    3) (after that: I had a drink, (and) then I went home.) depois
    4) (in that case: He might not give us the money and then what would we do?) então
    5) (often used especially at the end of sentences in which an explanation, opinion etc is asked for, or which show surprise etc: What do you think of that, then?) então
    6) (also; in addition: I have two brothers, and then I have a cousin in America.) além disso
    2. conjunction
    (in that case; as a result: If you're tired, then you must rest.) nesse caso
    3. adjective
    (at that time (in the past): the then Prime Minister.) então
    * * *
    [ðen] n esse tempo, aquele tempo. since then, he’s been more attentive / desde aquele tempo, ele tem sido mais atento. • adj existente naquele tempo, de então, desse tempo. the then king / o então rei. • adv 1 então, naquele tempo. life was better then / a vida era melhor naquele tempo. life will be better then / a vida será melhor. 2 depois, em seguida. then I left him / depois o deixei. 3 em outra ocasião, outra vez. 4 também, além. 5 em tal caso. how then did he manage? / como é então que ele fez? then why don’t you say so? / então por que você não diz? • conj por conseguinte, então, pois. by then até lá, enquanto, naquela altura. if that is so then se isso é assim então. not till then somente então. then and not till then depois e não antes. till then até lá. what then? e então?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > then

  • 19 restful

    1) (bringing rest: a restful holiday.) repousante
    2) ((of colours, music etc) causing a person to feel calm and relaxed: Some people find blue a restful colour; After a hard day's work, I like to listen to some restful music.) repousante
    3) (relaxed: at rest: The patient seems more restful now.) repousado
    * * *
    [r'estful] adj tranqüilo, quieto, descansado, sossegado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > restful

  • 20 still

    I 1. [stil] adjective
    1) (without movement or noise: The city seems very still in the early morning; Please stand/sit/keep/hold still while I brush your hair!; still (= calm) water/weather.) parado
    2) ((of drinks) not fizzy: still orange juice.) sem gás
    2. noun
    (a photograph selected from a cinema film: The magazine contained some stills from the new film.) foto
    - stillborn II [stil] adverb
    1) (up to and including the present time, or the time mentioned previously: Are you still working for the same firm?; By Saturday he had still not / still hadn't replied to my letter.) ainda
    2) (nevertheless; in spite of that: Although the doctor told him to rest, he still went on working; This picture is not valuable - still, I like it.) no entanto
    3) (even: He seemed very ill in the afternoon and in the evening looked still worse.) ainda
    * * *
    [stil] n 1 Poet silêncio, calma, quietude. 2 fotografia, pose, retrato. 3 Amer fotografia individual de um filme usada para cartaz. 4 natureza-morta. • vt 1 acalmar, tranqüilizar, silenciar, pacificar. 2 tranqüilizar-se, acalmar-se, sossegar. 3 acalmar, aliviar. 4 ficar quieto. • adj 1 quieto, calmo, tranqüilo, imóvel, sossegado, estacionário. 2 calmo, sereno, baixo, moderado. 3 sem ondas, parado, calmo. 4 silencioso. 5 não efervescente. 6 baixo, suave (tom). • adv 1 ainda. are you still asleep? / ainda está dormindo? 2 até agora, até esta data. 3 continuamente, futuramente. 4 apesar. 5 entretanto, não obstante. 6 quietamente, calmamente. • conj todavia, não obstante. still and all Amer apesar de tudo. still bigger ainda maior. still less ainda menos still more ainda mais. still waters run deep águas silenciosas são profundas, quem vê cara não vê coração. to be/ hold/ keep still ficar quieto.
    [stil] n 1 alambique, destilador. 2 destilaria, engenho.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > still

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  • The Rest of the Robots — (1964) is a collection of eight short stories and two full length novels by Isaac Asimov. The stories, centred on positronic robots, are all part of the Robot Series, most of which take place in the Foundation universe. Another collection of… …   Wikipedia

  • The Rest of the Story — is a Monday through Saturday radio program hosted by Paul Harvey. Beginning as a part of his newscasts during the Second World War and then premiering as its own series on the ABC Radio Networks on May 10, 1976, The Rest of the Story comprises… …   Wikipedia

  • The Legislative Assembly and the fall of the French monarchy — The French Revolution was a period in the history of France covering the years 1789 to 1799, in which republicans overthrew the Bourbon monarchy and the Roman Catholic Church perforce underwent radical restructuring. This article covers the one… …   Wikipedia

  • The City and the Stars —   …   Wikipedia

  • And the Children Shall Lead — Star Trek: The Original Series episode The children of the Starnes expedition Episode no. Episode 59 …   Wikipedia

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